3028 - AP010 - Normalizing Data: Creating an Internal Data Culture
Presentations from 3028 - AP010 - Normalizing Data: Creating an Internal Data Culture
Presentations from 3028 - AP010 - Normalizing Data: Creating an Internal Data Culture
While it's become easier to collect data and share it, many agencies continue to make policy decisions based on politics and "feel." This session provides examples of how agencies have leveraged data to improve agency decision-making, discussing both the specific of using data as a communication tool, but also the process of integrating that data into decision-making.
Full Details about the Lectern Session can be found here: Normalizing Data: Creating an Internal Data Culture
Promoting a Healthy Transit Data Culture Through the Implementation of Business Analytics Initiatives
Promoting a Healthy Transit Data Culture Through the Implementation of Business Analytics Initiatives
Presenter: Campbell Jung, Alameda-Contra Costa Transit District (AC Transit)
Normalizing from Without: How External Comparisons Can Motivate and Inform
Normalizing from Without: How External Comparisons Can Motivate and Inform
Presenter: Lindsey Morse, Transport Strategy Centre, Imperial College London
Secretly Serving Data to Non-Traditional Analysts: Developing a Data-Driven Environment on the Frontlines
Secretly Serving Data to Non-Traditional Analysts: Developing a Data-Driven Environment on the Frontlines
Presenter: Michael Haynes, TransPro Consulting
Chasing the New Normal: Creating a Robust Data Environment for the Future
Chasing the New Normal: Creating a Robust Data Environment for the Future
Presenter: Anne Gienapp, King County Metro